Trust your CRM.
A modern command center that helps you identify and fix
the skeletons in your Hubspot instance.
Free CRM Diagnostic
Modern data techniques that reveal the peaks and valleys of your CRM data.
Monthly CRM Health
A monthly report that shows your progress over time, with detailed drill-downs for areas of interest
Advanced Analytics
Find data points that Hubspot can't offer you.
CRM Actions
Automatically create deals based on triggering events, and associate with companies and deals.
Find key data points for data missing from your contacts, companies, deals.
Merge & Delete
Identify and remove the mess in your CRM.
Easily notify your team to move deals through the process, associate records, etc.
Data Managment
Modern Data Stack
Build a modern data warehouse for your CRM and connect all your tools.
Hire an Axon team member to set up process and tooling alongside you.
We can help you set up a Modern Data Stack for your business.
Stay informed
© Framer Inc. 2023